Images: Shopping, Studying, 和 (hé) and 跟 (gēn)

Here’s a detailed explanation of the common Chinese grammar patterns for 和 (hé) and 跟 (gēn), along with examples:

1. (hé):

Structure: This pattern is used to connect two nouns or noun phrases, indicating a relationship of “and” or “with” between them.

  • Example: 我和朋友去商店 (wǒ hé péngyǒu qù shāngdiàn) – “I go to the store with my friend.”
    • In this pattern, 和 (hé) is used as a conjunction to join two nouns or noun phrases. It indicates a relationship of addition, combination, or companionship.

2. (gēn):

Structure: This pattern is used to indicate “with” or “follow” when describing actions or relationships.

  • Example: 我跟你一起学习 (wǒ gēn nǐ yīqǐ xuéxí) – “I study with you.”
    • Here, 跟 (gēn) functions as a preposition, indicating a sense of companionship, association, or following someone’s lead in the action mentioned.

Both 和 (hé) and 跟 (gēn) are used to express connections or relationships, but they differ in usage:

和 (hé) focuses on the concept of “and” or “with” and implies equality or cooperation.

  • Example: 我和父母一起旅行 (wǒ hé fùmǔ yīqǐ lǚxíng) – “I travel with my parents.”

跟 (gēn) emphasizes the idea of “with” or “follow” and suggests a sense of companionship or association.

  • Example: 我跟朋友出去玩 (wǒ gēn péngyǒu chūqù wán) – “I go out to play with my friends.”

These grammar patterns with 和 and 跟 allow you to express connections, associations, or companionship in Chinese. Understanding their specific usage will help you describe relationships and actions accurately in various contexts.


Person A: 我喜欢和朋友一起旅行。(Wǒ xǐhuān hé péngyǒu yīqǐ lǚxíng.) – I like traveling with friends.

Person B: 我喜欢跟家人一起旅行。(Wǒ xǐhuān gēn jiārén yīqǐ lǚxíng.) – I like traveling with family.

Person A: 和朋友一起旅行很开心。(Hé péngyǒu yīqǐ lǚxíng hěn kāixīn.) – Traveling with friends is very enjoyable.

Person B: 跟家人一起旅行更有亲密感。(Gēn jiārén yīqǐ lǚxíng gèng yǒu qīnmì gǎn.) – Traveling with family gives a stronger sense of intimacy.

Person A: 你喜欢和朋友一起去哪里旅行?(Nǐ xǐhuān hé péngyǒu yīqǐ qù nǎlǐ lǚxíng?) – Where do you like to travel with friends?

Person B: 我喜欢和朋友一起去海滩度假。(Wǒ xǐhuān hé péngyǒu yīqǐ qù hǎitān dùjià.) – I like to travel with friends to the beach for vacation.


Person A expresses their preference for traveling with friends using the conjunction “和 (hé).” Person B responds by sharing their preference for traveling with family using the conjunction “跟 (gēn).”

Person A further emphasizes the enjoyment of traveling with friends by stating “和朋友一起旅行很开心,” which means “Traveling with friends is very enjoyable.” Person B adds that traveling with family creates a stronger sense of intimacy by saying “跟家人一起旅行更有亲密感.”

Person A then asks Person B where they like to travel with friends, using the structure “喜欢 + 和 + noun + 一起 + verb + 哪里.” Person B responds by saying they like to travel with friends to the beach for vacation.

The dialogue showcases the usage of “和 (hé)” and “跟 (gēn)” to express the company or companionship of different individuals during travel or activities.


  • Create a your own sentence(s) using (hé) and (gēn)
Articles: 166

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