- Winkel (Shop)
Example sentence: Ek gaan na die winkel om klere te koop. (I am going to the shop to buy clothes.)
- Koop (Buy)
Example sentence: Ek wil ‘n nuwe selfoon koop. (I want to buy a new cellphone.)
- Produk (Product)
Example sentence: Hierdie produk is van goeie kwaliteit. (This product is of good quality.)
4. Prys (Price)
Example sentence: Wat is die prys van hierdie item? (What is the price of this item?)
- Betaal (Pay)
Example sentence: Ek gaan met kontant betaal. (I am going to pay with cash.)
- Wysiging (Exchange)
Example sentence: Kan ek hierdie item ruil vir ‘n ander een? (Can I exchange this item for another one?)
- Kassie (Checkout counter)
Example sentence: Die kassie is by die uitgang van die winkel. (The checkout counter is at the exit of the shop.)
- Aanbieding (Sale)
Example sentence: Daar is ‘n groot aanbieding op klere vandag. (There is a big sale on clothes today.)
- Inkopiesak (Shopping bag)
Example sentence: Ek het ‘n paar inkopiesakke om my aankope in te pak. (I have a few shopping bags to pack my purchases.)
- Uitverkoping (Clearance sale)
Example sentence: Die winkel het ‘n uitverkoping met groot afslag. (The shop has a clearance sale with big discounts.)
- Create your own sentence(s) using the vocab words.
Person A: Ek gaan na die winkel om nuwe skoene te koop. Wil jy saamgaan?
(I am going to the shop to buy new shoes. Do you want to come along?)
Person B: Ja, ek sal graag saamgaan. Dalk kan ek iets vir myself ook vind.
(Yes, I would love to come along. Maybe I can find something for myself too.)
Person A: Ons moet kyk na die pryse en kyk of daar enige aanbiedings is.
(We should look at the prices and see if there are any promotions.)
Person B: Ja, dit is ‘n goeie idee. Ek wil graag ‘n paar klere koop as daar ‘n uitverkoping is.
(Yes, that’s a good idea. I want to buy some clothes if there is a clearance sale.)
- Create your own dailouge(s) using the vocab words.