Plurals in Afrikaans are generally formed by adding a suffix to the singular form of the noun. Here’s a list of vocabulary words in singular form, along with their plural forms, and example sentences to demonstrate their usage.
- Kat (Cat) – Katte (Cats)
Example sentence: Daar is ‘n klomp katte in die straat. (There are a lot of cats in the street.)
- Huis (House) – Huise (Houses)
Example sentence: Die huise in hierdie area is pragtig. (The houses in this area are beautiful.)
- Blom (Flower) – Blomme (Flowers)
Example sentence: Sy het ‘n vaas vol blomme in die sitkamer. (She has a vase full of flowers in the living room.)
- Boek (Book) – Boeke (Books)
Example sentence: Ek het ‘n klomp boeke in my boekrak. (I have a lot of books on my bookshelf.)
- Skool (School) – Skole (Schools)
Example sentence: Daar is verskeie skole in die area. (There are several schools in the area.)
- Tafel (Table) – Tafels (Tables)
Example sentence: Hulle het nuwe tafels in die eetkamer gesit. (They put new tables in the dining room.)
- Venster (Window) – Vensters (Windows)
Example sentence: Ek het die vensters in my huis gewas. (I cleaned the windows in my house.)
- Sokkie (Sock) – Sokkies (Socks)
Example sentence: My soklade is vol sokkies van verskillende kleure. (My drawers are full of socks of different colors.)
- Motor (Car) – Motors (Cars)
Example sentence: Daar is baie motors op die pad vandag. (There are a lot of cars on the road today.)
- Bladsy (Page) – Bladsye (Pages)
Example sentence: Die boek het baie bladsye met interessante inligting. (The book has many pages with interesting information.)
** Please note that while most nouns form plurals by adding -e or -s, there may be irregular plural forms or exceptions in certain cases. It’s always a good idea to consult a dictionary or grammar resource for specific noun plurals in Afrikaans.
- Create your own sentence(s) using the vocab words.
Person A: Ek het twee katte by die dierewelsynsentrum gaan haal. (I adopted two cats from the animal shelter.)
Person B: Wow, jy het ‘n groot hart vir diere. Het hulle al gewoond geraak aan hul nuwe huis? (Wow, you have a big heart for animals. Have they already adjusted to their new home?)
Person A: Ja, hulle is baie gelukkig. Ek het ‘n paar beddens en speelgoed vir hulle gekoop. (Yes, they are very happy. I bought them some beds and toys.)
Person B: Dis lekker om te sien hoe katte kan opfleur as hulle liefdevolle omstandighede het. (It’s nice to see how cats can thrive when they have loving conditions.)
** Remember, the plural forms provided are common ways to form plurals, but there may be exceptions or irregularities in certain cases.
- Create your own dialogue (s) using the vocab words.