Image: Robot Hand
  1. Kunstelike Intelligensie (Artificial Intelligence)

Example sentence: Kunstelike Intelligensie het ‘n groot impak op verskeie industrieë. (Artificial Intelligence has a significant impact on various industries.)

  • Algoritme (Algorithm)

Example sentence: Algoritmes word gebruik in AI om data te verwerk en besluite te neem. (Algorithms are used in AI to process data and make decisions.)

  • Masjienleer (Machine Learning)

Example sentence: Masjienleer stel rekenaars in staat om te leer van data en verbeter met ervaring. (Machine Learning allows computers to learn from data and improve with experience.)

  • Data-analise (Data Analysis)

Example sentence: Data-analise in AI help om insigte en patrone in groot hoeveelhede data te ontdek. (Data analysis in AI helps uncover insights and patterns in large amounts of data.)

  • Beeldherkenning (Image Recognition)

Example sentence: Beeldherkenning in AI maak dit moontlik om objekte en patrone in beelde te identifiseer. (Image recognition in AI makes it possible to identify objects and patterns in images.)

  • Spraakherkenning (Speech Recognition)

Example sentence: Spraakherkenning stel rekenaars in staat om menslike spraak te verstaan en te interpreteer. (Speech recognition allows computers to understand and interpret human speech.)

  • Natuurlike Taalverwerking (Natural Language Processing)

Example sentence: Natuurlike Taalverwerking in AI fokus op die verstaan en verwerking van menslike taal. (Natural Language Processing in AI focuses on understanding and processing human language.)

  • Sentimentanalise (Sentiment Analysis)

Example sentence: Sentimentanalise in AI bepaal die emosionele toon van ‘n stuk teks, soos positief, negatief, of neutraal. (Sentiment analysis in AI determines the emotional tone of a piece of text, such as positive, negative, or neutral.)

  • Robotika (Robotics)

Example sentence: Robotika kombineer AI en meganika om intelligente masjiene en robotte te skep. (Robotics combines AI and mechanics to create intelligent machines and robots.)

  1. Selfbestuurende Voertuie (Autonomous Vehicles)

Example sentence: Selfbestuurende voertuie maak gebruik van AI om sonder menslike bestuurders te navigeer. (Autonomous vehicles use AI to navigate without human drivers.)


  • Create your own sentence(s) using the vocab words.


Person A: Wat dink jy van kunsmatige intelligensie? (What do you think of Artificial Intelligence?)

Person B: Ek dink kunsmatige intelligensie het die potensiaal om baie voordele te bied, soos die verbetering van prosesse en die oplos van komplekse probleme. Maar dit moet ook verantwoordelik ontwikkel en toegepas word. (I think Artificial Intelligence has the potential to offer many benefits, such as improving processes and solving complex problems. However, it should also be developed and applied responsibly.)

Person A: Hoe kan masjienleer in die besigheidswêreld nuttig wees? (How can machine learning be useful in the business world?)

Person B: Masjienleer kan ‘n groot impak hê op besigheidswêreld deur die analise van data en die voorspelling van tendense. Dit kan help om beter besluite te neem en effektiewe strategieë te ontwikkel. (Machine learning can have a significant impact on the business world by analyzing data and predicting trends. It can help make better decisions and develop effective strategies.)

Person A: Hoe werk ‘n kletsrobot? (How does a chatbot work?)

Person B: ‘n Kletsrobot gebruik kunsmatige intelligensie om met gebruikers te kommunikeer en vinnige antwoorde op hul vrae te gee. Dit maak gebruik van natuurlike taalverwerking om te verstaan en te reageer op menslike taal. (A chatbot uses Artificial Intelligence to communicate with users and provide quick answers to their questions. It uses natural language processing to understand and respond to human language.)


  • Create your own dialogue (s) using the vocab words.
Articles: 166

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