- Dokter (Doctor)
Example sentence: My suster is ‘n dokter en help mense in die hospitaal. (My sister is a doctor and helps people in the hospital.)
- Onderwyser (Teacher)
Example sentence: Ek wil graag ‘n onderwyser word en kinders leer. (I want to become a teacher and teach children.)
- Ingenieur (Engineer)
Example sentence: My pa is ‘n ingenieur en ontwerp geboue. (My father is an engineer and designs buildings.)
- Skrywer (Writer)
Example sentence: Sy is ‘n suksesvolle skrywer en publiseer boeke. (She is a successful writer and publishes books.)
- Polisiebeampte (Police officer)
Example sentence: Die polisiebeampte handhaaf die orde en beskerm die gemeenskap. (The police officer maintains order and protects the community.)
- Verpleegster (Nurse)
Example sentence: Die verpleegster sorg vir siek pasiënte in die hospitaal. (The nurse takes care of sick patients in the hospital.)
- Tandarts (Dentist)
Example sentence: Ek gaan na die tandarts vir my gereelde tandondersoek. (I go to the dentist for my regular dental check-up.)
- Prokureur (Lawyer)
Example sentence: Sy werk as ‘n prokureur en verdedig mense in die hof. (She works as a lawyer and defends people in court.)
- Rekenmeester (Accountant)
Example sentence: Die rekenmeester help met finansiële sake en belasting. (The accountant assists with financial matters and taxes.)
- Musikant (Musician)
Example sentence: Hy is ‘n talentvolle musikant en speel verskillende instrumente. (He is a talented musician and plays various instruments.)
- Create your own sentence(s) using the vocab.
Person A: Wat doen jy vir ‘n lewe?
(What do you do for a living?)
Person B: Ek is ‘n ingenieur. Ek ontwerp en bou brûe en strukture.
(I am an engineer. I design and construct bridges and structures.)
Person A: Dit klink interessant! Ek is self ‘n onderwyser en geniet dit om kinders te leer.
(That sounds interesting! I am a teacher myself and enjoy teaching children.)
Person B: Onderwys is ‘n belangrike beroep. Baie dankie dat jy jongmense oplei en inspireer.
(Education is an important profession. Thank you for educating and inspiring young people.)
Person A: Dit is my voorreg. Ons het verskillende rolle om die samelewing te ondersteun.
(It’s my privilege. We have different roles to support society.)
- Create your own dialogue(s) using the vocab.