- Skool (School)
Example sentence: Ek gaan elke dag na skool om te leer. (I go to school every day to learn.)
- Klas (Class)
Example sentence: Ons het wiskunde-klas in die eerste uur. (We have math class in the first hour.)
- Onderwyser (Teacher)
Example sentence: Die onderwyser verduidelik die les aan die klas. (The teacher explains the lesson to the class.)
- Student (Student)
Example sentence: Ek is ‘n student in graad 10. (I am a student in grade 10.)
- Skooltas (School bag)
Example sentence: My skooltas is swaar met al my boeke. (My school bag is heavy with all my books.)
- Kryt (Chalk)
Example sentence: Die onderwyser skryf op die bord met kryt. (The teacher writes on the board with chalk.)
- Boek (Book)
Example sentence: Ek lees ‘n interessante boek vir my Engelsprojek. (I am reading an interesting book for my English project.)
- Potlood (Pencil)
Example sentence: Ek skryf my take met ‘n potlood. (I write my assignments with a pencil.)
- Skrif (Notebook)
Example sentence: Ek neem aantekeninge in my skrif tydens die les. (I take notes in my notebook during the lesson.)
- Eksamen (Exam)
Example sentence: Ek is besig om vir my wiskunde-eksamen te studeer. (I am studying for my math exam.)
- Create your own sentence(s) using the vocab
Person A: Het jy ‘n goeie dag by skool gehad?
(Did you have a good day at school?)
Person B: Ja, ek het ‘n fantastiese dag gehad. Die onderwyser het ‘n interessante les aangebied.
(Yes, I had a fantastic day. The teacher presented an interesting lesson.)
Person A: Dis goed om te hoor. Het jy al jou boeke in jou skooltas?
(That’s good to hear. Do you have all your books in your school bag?)
Person B: Ja, ek het al my boeke en skrifte by my. Ek is gereed vir die volgende klas.
(Yes, I have all my books and notebooks with me. I am ready for the next class.)
Person A: Moet ons nie ons eksamen voorberei nie? Dit is binnekort.
(Shouldn’t we prepare for our exam? It’s coming up soon.)
Person B: Absoluut! Ons moet begin studeer en ons notas deurgegaan om gereed te wees vir die eksamen.
(Absolutely! We should start studying and review our notes to be ready for the exam.)
- Create your own sentence(s) using the vocab