Image: Pied Piper

Exercise 1: Vocabulary

1. Quaint (adjective):

Definition: Attractively unusual or old-fashioned in a charming way.

Example: The quaint town of Hamelin was known for its picturesque cottages and cobblestone streets.

2. Infested (adjective):

Definition: To be overrun or invaded by pests or harmful organisms.

Example: The town was infested with rats, causing chaos and distress among its residents.

3. Vermin (noun):

Definition: Wild animals that are believed to be harmful to crops, property, or humans, such as rats or insects.

Example: The rats, considered vermin, posed a serious threat to the town’s well-being.

4. Peculiar (adjective):

Definition: Unusual or strange in a way that is interesting or particular to a person or thing.

Example: The Pied Piper was a peculiar figure, dressed in colorful attire and carrying a magical pipe.

5. Adorned (verb):

Definition: Decorated or embellished with ornaments or features.

Example: The Pied Piper was adorned in a bright, eye-catching outfit that caught everyone’s attention.

6. Mesmerizing (adjective):

Definition: Capturing one’s complete attention and interest, often with a compelling or enchanting quality.

Example: The Pied Piper’s tune was so mesmerizing that even the rats couldn’t resist following him.

7. Reverberated (verb):

Definition: To be echoed or reflected repeatedly, especially sound.

Example: The haunting melody of the Piper’s tune reverberated through the empty streets.

8. Compelled (verb):

Definition: To be forced or driven to do something, often as a result of being persuaded or influenced.

Example: The children were compelled to follow the Piper by the enchantment of his music.

9. Grief-stricken (adjective):

Definition: Overwhelmed with sorrow or intense sadness.

Example: The townspeople were grief-stricken when they realized their children had vanished with the Piper.

10. Cautionary (adjective):

Definition: Serving as a warning or giving advice about potential dangers or consequences.

Example: The tale of the Pied Piper of Hamelin is a cautionary story about the consequences of broken promises.

11. Integrity (noun):

Definition: The quality of being honest and having strong moral principles.

Example: The story highlights the importance of integrity and keeping one’s commitments.

Exercise 2: Story

Once upon a time, in the quaint town of Hamelin, a devastating problem plagued its inhabitants. The town was infested with rats. These pests scurried through the streets, invading homes, devouring food supplies, and spreading disease. The desperate townspeople sought a solution to rid themselves of this vermin.

In their hour of need, a peculiar figure arrived in Hamelin. He was known as the Pied Piper, adorned in a colorful attire and carrying a magical pipe. The Pied Piper offered his services, promising to rid the town of every last rat.

Intrigued and desperate, the town’s leaders agreed to the Piper’s terms. As the Pied Piper played a mesmerizing tune on his pipe, a magical melody filled the air. To the astonishment of the townspeople, rats of all sizes and shapes emerged from every nook and cranny, hypnotized by the enchanting music. They followed the Piper in a grand procession as he led them to the river, where they drowned and met their demise.

With the town now free from the rat infestation, the Pied Piper approached the town’s leaders to claim his reward as agreed. However, their gratitude turned into greed, and they refused to pay the promised sum, dismissing the Piper as a mere entertainer.

Enraged by their betrayal, the Piper decided to teach the townspeople a lesson they would never forget. He played a different tune on his magical pipe, a haunting melody that reverberated through the streets. To the amazement and horror of the townspeople, children emerged from their homes, their eyes fixed on the Piper, compelled to follow him.

Helpless and grief-stricken, the townspeople watched as the Piper led their beloved children away, vanishing into a hidden world. The only child left behind was a little lame boy, unable to keep up with the others.

The town was forever scarred by their loss, haunted by the sound of the Piper’s tune echoing through the empty streets. Regret filled their hearts as they realized the price they had paid for their greed and broken promises.

The tale of the Pied Piper of Hamelin serves as a cautionary reminder of the consequences of dishonesty and betrayal. It teaches us the importance of honoring our commitments and treating others with fairness and respect.

And so, the town of Hamelin forever carried the burden of their actions, reminded of the cost they paid for their deceit. The haunting tune of the Pied Piper served as a constant reminder of the importance of integrity and the lasting impact of our choices.

Exercise 3: Questions

1. Who was the Pied Piper, and what special skill did he possess?

2. What problem plagued the town of Hamelin, and why did they seek the Pied Piper’s help?

3. What was the agreement between the Pied Piper and the town’s leaders, and what happened when the town refused to fulfill their promise?

4. What lesson does the story of the Pied Piper of Hamelin teach us?

5. How did the Pied Piper ultimately get revenge on the town, and what was the fate of the children who followed him?

Exercise 4: Discussion

  • Who are the main characters?
  • What is the moral of the story?
  • Do you have a similar story in your culture? How is it the same? How is it different?
  • What did you like or dislike about the story?
Articles: 166

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