- Vakansie (Vacation)
Example sentence: Ek gaan binnekort op vakansie na die kus. (I am going on vacation to the coast soon.)
- Strand (Beach)
Example sentence: Ons gaan lekker ontspan by die strand. (We are going to relax at the beach.)
- Hotel (Hotel)
Example sentence: Ons het ‘n pragtige hotelkamer bespreek. (We have booked a beautiful hotel room.)
- Toerisme (Tourism)
Example sentence: Die dorp is bekend vir sy toerisme en besienswaardighede. (The town is known for its tourism and attractions.)
- Ontspanning (Relaxation)
Example sentence: Ek het baie ontspanning nodig na ‘n besige jaar. (I need a lot of relaxation after a busy year.)
- Reis (Trip)
Example sentence: Ons maak ‘n reis na die wildtuin om diere te sien. (We are taking a trip to the game reserve to see animals.)
- Toer (Tour)
Example sentence: Ons gaan ‘n toer deur die stad neem om die kultuur te ervaar. (We are going on a tour through the city to experience the culture.)
- Lugdiens (Airline)
Example sentence: Ek het kaartjies bespreek by ‘n bekende lugdiens. (I have booked tickets with a well-known airline.)
- Bespreking (Reservation)
Example sentence: Ek het ‘n bespreking gemaak vir ‘n gesinstoer na die natuurreservaat. (I made a reservation for a family tour to the nature reserve.)
- Reisgids (Travel guide)
Example sentence: Ons het ‘n reisgids gekoop om ons te help met sightseeing. (We bought a travel guide to help us with sightseeing.)
- Create your own sentence(s) using the vocab words.
Person A: Ek is so opgewonde vir ons naderende vakansie. Waar gaan jy heen? (I am so excited for our upcoming vacation. Where are you going?)
Person B: Ons gaan na ‘n pragtige hotel by die see. Ek kan nie wag om op die strand te ontspan nie. (We are going to a beautiful hotel by the sea. I can’t wait to relax on the beach.)
Person A: Het jy al jou besprekings gedoen? Ons moet ook toeriste-aktiwiteite beplan.
(Have you made all your reservations? We should also plan tourist activities.)
Person B: Ja, ons het ons verblyf en ‘n paar toere bespreek. Ons gaan ‘n boottoer maak en die lokale mark besoek. (Yes, we have booked our accommodation and a few tours. We are going on a boat tour and visiting the local market.)
- Create your own dialogue (s) using the vocab words.