- Stad (City)
Example sentence: Ek bly in ‘n groot stad met baie besienswaardighede. (I live in a big city with many attractions.)
- Dorp (Village)
Example sentence: Die klein dorpie is baie rustig en vriendelik. (The small village is very peaceful and friendly.)
- Straat (Street)
Example sentence: Die strate in die stad is baie besig tydens spitsuur. (The streets in the city are very busy during rush hour.)
- Plein (Square)
Example sentence: Ons ontmoet altyd by die dorpsplein vir ‘n koffie. (We always meet at the village square for a coffee.)
- Gebou (Building)
Example sentence: Die kantoorgeboue in die stad is indrukwekkend. (The office buildings in the city are impressive.)
- Kerk (Church)
Example sentence: Daar is ‘n ou kerk in die middel van die dorp. (There is an old church in the middle of the village.)
- Mark (Market)
Example sentence: Elke Saterdag is daar ‘n groot mark in die stad. (Every Saturday, there is a big market in the city.)
- Park (Park)
Example sentence: Die park is ‘n heerlike plek om te ontspan en te picknick. (The park is a lovely place to relax and have a picnic.)
- Rivier (River)
Example sentence: Die dorpie is geleë langs ‘n pragtige rivier. (The village is situated alongside a beautiful river.)
- Skool (School)
Example sentence: Daar is ‘n goeie skool in die dorp vir kinders om by te woon. (There is a good school in the village for children to attend.)
- Create your own sentence(s) using the vocab words.
Person A: Ek is lief vir die atmosfeer van die dorp. Daar is soveel vriendelike mense en oulike winkeltjies.(I love the atmosphere of the village. There are so many friendly people and cute shops.)
Person B: Ja, dit is regtig ‘n gemaklike plek om te woon. Die stad is soms te besig vir my smaak. (Yes, it’s truly a comfortable place to live. The city is sometimes too busy for my taste.)
Person A: Ons kan soms ‘n uitstappie na die stad maak om nuwe dinge te ervaar, maar dit is altyd lekker om terug te kom na die dorpie. (We can sometimes take a trip to the city to experience new things, but it’s always nice to come back to the village.)
Person B: Dit is waar. Ons het al die gerief van ‘n stad, maar met ‘n gemeenskaplike gevoel van ‘n dorpie. (That’s true. We have all the conveniences of a city but with a sense of community like a village.)
- Create your own dialogue (s) using the vocab words.